Tuesday 2 April 2013

I Miss You, Mr. Dark Blue Morning.

There was the times that I have no problem with this, but lately, I've always (barely) woke up late around 7.00 o'clock in the morning, Just so you know at 7.00 a.m we can see that the sun are already/getting ready to show at the edge. 

This keeps me frustrated since I realized that I am actually in a loss for not be able to wake up earlier. Because at 7 I should just going rush to do my prayer (Subuh) and not able to do much for it, even to get ready for the day. 

I should wake up in a dawn for the good of it,

I am afraid if this going to be a bad habit. 

This is my love/hate relationships with mornings. I love the feeling of the "Dark Blue Morning", the peaceful and fresh, but I hate it that I have a really hard times to wake up just at the right time that I should.

I should try harder, to take in the feeling of starting fresh with lots of hopes for mercy, healthy, wealthy, happiness and loves.

Put the past behinds, renewed the faith and hope for brighter future.

May our tomorrows are better than today's, InsyaALLAH.